Hakoinen Castlehill (Hakoisten linnavuori)
Hakoinen Castlehill is located on private land and the owner has closed it from visitors until further notice due to COVID19. We are sorry for any inconvenience.
Hakoinen Castlehill is located near Laurinmäki, just by road 130 from where you should turn to a lane with sign to Hakoinen mansion (Hakoisten kartano). You will find a small parking area on the left just down from the steep hill, before the mansion gardens. Please note that the mansion itself is a private property where visitors are not allowed to enter. The whole Hakoinen Castlehill area is protected by law and thus digging, building or picking plants is forbidden.
Climbing up to the hill there awaits the perfect reward -the culturohistorical landscape of Hakoinen. This majestic, steep hill served as a home to the medieval fortification, Hakoinen Castle. Near the top of the hill locates also the Giant’s kettle, a fascinating memory from the Ice Age.