Services and Contact Information
Janakkala´s administrative centre is in Turenki where the municipal hall is located at
Juttilantie 1
14200 Turenki
Telephone exchange
The regional telephone exchange is open from Monday to Friday between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Tel +358 3 68 011
Service Office Lyyli provides multidisciplinary counselling at the municipal hall. You can fetch and leave forms and applications, pay invoices concerning municipality’s services, leave mail directed to the municipality and buy e.g. municipal publications, products and fetch brochures.
Service Office Lyyli
Monday – Friday 8 a.m – 15 p.m
Tel +358 3 680 1225
Official mail to Janakkala municipality is to be sent to the following email address: kirjaamo@janakkala.fi
Integration services
The integration services of Janakkala are provided to all immigrants living in the municipality, regardless of their immigrant status.
Integration work services include for example:
- Arranging and preparing or taking part in the preparation of statutory initial assessments and integration plans
- Extensive guidance and advice
-Reception of quota refugees
-Housing support - Multidisciplinary service need assessment
- Overall coordination of immigration matters
You can contact the integration services by email:
Service point
The integration services of Janakkala will begin low-threshold service point operations on November 2, 2023. The Koto-service point serves all immigrant customers.
It’s open on Tuesdays from 9:00 to 11:00 AM and Thursdays from 12:00 to 3:30 PM at Torikatu 1.
You can reach the Koto-service point by phone at 040 613 9836
At the service point, you can get assistance with:
-Quick advisory matters
-Guidance to the right service
-Help with appointments booking
Public transport
Local Busses
Busses via motorway ( Tervakoski road junction 21 and Virala near Turenki, road junction 22)
Trains (Turenki railway station)
Health and Social work
The walfare district of Kanta-Häme is responsible for social health services in Janakkala, OmaHäme.
In case of emergency, please call 112.
Emergency services in the evening, weekends and public holidays: Patients who require urgent medical care will be treated without an appointment in Kanta-Häme Central Hospital Emergency department in Hämeenlinna
Kanta-Häme is served by the national emergency number 116 117 – always call the toll-free number 116 117 before you consider applying to the emergency room. If there is a queue on the line, you can choose the callback option and we will call you as soon as possible
Children´s Day Care
Day care is arranged for a full day or part of a day in family day care, group family day care or day care center.
Early Childhood Education and Care Office
Juttilantie 1
14200 Turenki
Tel. (03) 680 1647
Schools and the general upper secondary school
In Janakkala, there are nine lower comprehensive schools and two upper comprehensive schools in Tervakoski and Turenki, and a general upper seconday school. In the smallest school there are about 20 students and in the largest almost 500 students.
School Office
Juttilantie 1
14200 Turenki
Tel. (03) 680 1273
Youth workers support young people and organize activities. There are two youth facilities, both in Tervakoski and Turenki.
Special youth director Satu Punkari
Phone: 050 466 0656

In Janakkala there is a library both in Turenki and Tervakoski. There is also a mobile library. Both of the libraries have also a self-service library, where you can access the premises with your own library card outside opening hours.
Turenki: Koulutie 2 a, 14200 Turenki
Tel. (03) 680 1390
Tervakoski: Kivimiehentie 2, 12400 Tervakoski
Tel. (019) 758 0700

Janakkala Swimming Hall is located in Tervakoski in addition to which there are plenty of beaches all around the municipality. In Liinalampi, Turenki, and on Suruton beach, Tervakoski, there are also ice holes that are kept open in winter time.
Tervajoentie 4
12400 Tervakoski
Tel. (03) 680 1745
Building Control
Janakkala´s building control office serves in matters relating to building and alteration work of buildings. Forms related to building permits can be found in the building control office or in Service Office Lyyli.
Tel. 050 509 0447
Plots / property
Janakkala has plenty of free plots around the municipality where you can build your own home. Also, terraced house and apartment building plots are also available for construction companies.
Property engineer Kolehmainen Marika
Tel. 050 567 6486
Rent an apartment
You can rent an apartment in Turenki, Tervakoski or Leppäkoski from Janakkalan Kodit.
Janakkalan Kodit
Harvialantie 7 B
14200 Turenki
Tel. (03) 680 1241